Sunday, July 17, 2011

Car show season

I'd say about half of people who bring cars to car shows like to open the hood and trunk. This was just the case with this one. If you at a car show and you have an idea that requires the hood or door to be closed, or perhaps for someone to move, DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK!!! You may very well be giving up a chance to take an awesome photo! Being a photographer means sometimes stepping outside your comfort zone. I asked the owner of this corvette if he would close the hood so I could take a photo. I also told him I'd be more than happy to e-mail him some copies. Car guys love pictures of their cars. I've yet to be turned down when free photos for them are on the table. Who knows, maybe they'll want to buy actual prints.

Same thing here as with the one above. The owner, Terry, had the hood and trunk open. I asked if he'd close them and he was more than happy to do so.

There are a ton of little details here and there on cars. I could easily have spent an entire day shooting this one, especially if it were a paid gig. Car guys generally pay great attention to detail and would expect nothing less of the photos of their creations or restorations. This photo focuses on the blue jewel taillight.

I absolutely love these types of cars, T-buckets, Roadsters, rat rod, whatever you want to call 'em. I'm all about the small amount of body and huge amount of engine and the overall mechanical look.

This one would definitely qualify for the "rat rod" title. Rusted body on a rusted frame. Lime green painted wheels, oh yes, every aspect fit the bill. Still looked awesome.

I was actually working overnight security at the Iola car show when I shot this one. My partner and I had gone back to our vehicles to throw on some bug spray when I saw this image waiting to be captured. The semi in the background, Big Red, the largest in the world (I think) was playing a movie and the all the other pieces fell into place fairly nicely. While I was waiting for my partner to finish I set up the camera and took a couple shots.

Iola car show again, but this time before I started working. When I was shooting this it started to down pour; very little warning. Had I been outside I'm not sure I would have had time to cover up my camera. This T Bucket was under a large white tent. Lucky me.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Freakin Creepy Carnival

Hello to all once again. I know it's been a few days. Over the weekend I was working security at Wausua's 66th annual 4th of July Celebration. In some of my off time I took advantage of the photographic opportunities. I've never shot a carnival, fair, whatever you want to call it, before. I found that some of the coolest shots came after the park closed. Since I was part of the crew working security I was able to wonder through the area freely and photograph til' my hearts content. Of the four nights I was there I only shot during one of them. Long days, let me tell you. I was tired.

For this shot I wanted to show the emptiness of the park. Walking around I couldn't help but be reminded of Left for Dead, the zombie video game. One of the levels takes place in a carnival.

I almost fell flat on my face when I jumped that fence. Funny part is the gate was open...which I discovered on my way out. I love the shadow "e" figures, if you haven't guessed by now. It adds a sense of mystery and perhaps some overall creepiness. Either way, I like 'em.

Interesting story behind this sunset shot. On that particular day the clouds were awesome all day. There was lots of them and they had a great texture. Needless to say that I knew I'd be shooting the sunset that evening. When the time came I had no idea where I wanted to shoot. I jumped in the truck about 45 minutes from "go time" and drove off into the middle of nowhere. About 30 minutes later I found this swamp marsh area. I loved the reflection in the water, so, enduring the bugs I set up and took a few shots. My composition is based on the "rule of thirds". The sun falling into one of the cross hairs (you'll understand this if you know what the rule of thirds is).

Tomorrow I'm leaving again for several days. Hopefully I'll return with more photos for you. Until then, get off your ass and go shoot something (photographically speaking)!!!